
Monday 25 November 2013

1 Xmas Item - One Month and Counting

As the 25th rolls round once more it can't be ignored anymore ...
there's only one month till Christmas.

After all my early preparation throughout the year I still feel like I've almost run out of time with projects still to finish. However I do have a couple of small gift items to share. 

Four scissor fobs have been safely tucked away so I just had to finish the last 2 on the right and 1 on the bottom. 

These little fabric baskets just need red buttons sewn at the top of each corner but did I have the buttons purchased ready?  Don't be silly .... that would mean I'm organised. One for mum, DD, DIL and myself.

Oh, you have the camera out. Is this my good side?

So the time has arrived for all the lovely Elves to share what you have been creating ready for the big event. This will be our last official month for 1 Xmas Item and once I've checked and double checked my list I'll be doing a draw for a little giveaway to celebrate a great year of decoration and gift making. I would really appreciate it if you could either leave a comment here or email me once you have posted.

If you're like me and still have a few more things to finish off, maybe we can have an extra "Show and Tell" on the 15th December to wrap things up. Hope you are feeling a little less stressed about having handmade goodies ready ... Merry Christmas and thank you for sewing along with us.

Saturday 16 November 2013

Friday Night Snooze - In

After putting groceries away and having dinner, I sat down in the chair and .... dozed off! So my FNSI was like yesterday evenings storm clouds ... all talk and no action!

Maybe tonight.   >^..^<

Friday 15 November 2013


I seem to be always squeezing things in at the last minute. Just been over to Wendy's to link up for Friday Night Sew In ... there's still time if you hurry :o)

We finally scored some rain yesterday, 40mm of beautiful wet stuff .... still only half of what they got in town but better than nothing that's for sure. More storms are brewing in the south so fingers crossed. I hope if you're still waiting for rain that your turn comes very soon too and that there's more follow-on rain for us all.


Sunday 3 November 2013

Sunday Snapshots

Put an empty box down and it doesn't stay empty for long.

Wonder what she's thinking?

Amazing what an overnight watering can do. 
Wasn't good for the tank though....ooops! Lucky it's dam water.

My FNWF didn't go the way I'd planned. I started off with some hand applique on Red Delicious but my left thumb and pointer finger protested. Then hubby needed some  tractor parts "Googled". When I got back to my sewing I tried using a hoop but it just wasn't working for me .... oh well .... there's always next time.

Enjoy your Sunday     >^..^<

Friday 1 November 2013


Welcome to NOVEMBER and a fun Friday.  Time to get dinner started so it can cook itself while I get ready for some stitching with friends.

If you haven't already and would like to join in ... slip over to Cheryll's place to sign up. I think I'll be doing some hand applique but I could change my mind yet.
