
Monday 28 December 2015

Wrapping Up 2015

As 2015 comes to a close, I have a couple of finishes to share. The first is a design by Michelle Ridgway which I had been working on for a while. The stitchery had been done and waiting for a sewing spree which finally happened... just in time to wrap for my Christmas Swap Gift at our Patchwork Group Break-up on December 14. Loved making this tote and needle case.

I also finished the second red Santa Face knitted dishcloth but there was no way I could get my camera to take a reasonable picture. There was a little reverse knitting required at Patchwork Day. Then to use up the remaining blue and green cotton, I knitted up this cloth for a spare for myself.

With all the gifts wrapped and feeling organised for once ... I decided to check out where I'm up to with 'A Merry Christmas Garden' ... hoping to focus on this quilt for 2016.  Block 2 is almost finished and just needed the rectangle and square pieces cut out and a star made before sewing together. So then I spread out blocks 3 to 6 and cut all the fabric for these to make sure all my fabrics were distributed as evenly as possible.
Block 2

We have also had some very noisy visitors. Twice a year a large flock of Black Cockatoos fly over our house in the late afternoon and again at early morning. The sky can be almost black with them and a few stop off to chow down on trees around our house.

Christmas Day was a relaxed day with family ... some we hadn't caught up with in quite a while. Gorgeous Master J was busy trying out his new trike from Aunty L.

Looking forward to a new year with wonderful new memories to make and lots of crafty finishes too.

Sunday 6 December 2015

FNWF Results Are In

Here is my score card for Friday Night with Cheryll and friends. Thank you for a lovely year of fun and friendship.

My last hand made stocking filler ... this was ahead of a busy weekend and an even busier week to come. Hope to finish it tomorrow at our Patchwork Group if I "talk less; concentrate; knit more" don't have to reverse knit.

See you on the other side of the week and hope it's a good one for you.     >^..^<