
Saturday 30 August 2008

Time for Show and Tell

What a busy week. I've only just managed to keep up with my favourite blogs and went to bed early last night exhausted. Now the weekend is here and I have a fresh start, I'd like to share some goodies that I have either received, purchased or grown.

Firstly I received my first fabric postcard in the mail yesterday. This is the first in the swap I joined and I'm loving it. Butterflies are on my favourites list.

Next are some fabrics purchased to compliment some stash fabrics. These will go towards three different projects. They are not specifically grouped so if I don't point out which fabrics are which, then no one will be any the wiser, hey Kerry.

I've had making another kaleidoscope on my mind and when I saw this fabric I had to have it, and of course the book to go along with the project. Iwill be strong and not start this quilt until I have a couple of finishes first.

Yesterday at patchwork I took along my queen bed quilt and did some more work on it. It's so close to being finished, if I knuckle down I plan to complete the top within the next three weeks. Then I'll decide if I'll tackle the quilting myself or save some pennies and send it away to be quilted.

Lastly my pour neglected roses are real troopers. They practically grow themselves. Here is Peter Frankenfeld (pink) and Just Joey (apricot) with the most delicious scents.

Off to do some sewing now. My bag for Linda's swap is almost finished and I've cut out a little something to go with it.

Quilting Wishes


  1. Love all your show and tell goodies they are all yummie The roses still look nice.
    Hugs Mary.

  2. narelle, what beautiful roses; i love the apricot color, so gorgeous
