
Sunday 29 March 2009

What a Week!

This week just past would have to be the most unproductive week I have ever spent. Why?
Ask the nasty little bug that decided to take residence and take every last ounce of energy giving me the whole exploding head experience. Thankfully it's passing and today is the first day since last Sunday that I have regained some energy. I've even been in the kitchen cooking to get ahead on lunches for this week.

I did manage a little hand sewing in front of the telly with the tissue box close by. Here's my postcard for March which I posted away on Friday. The theme was 'A Miniature Quilt' so I went with my take on Log Cabin.

And this is the sweet Miniature Quilt Postcard I received in Wednesday's mail.

This week I also celebrated my birthday . . . did I say 'celebrate'? Maybe next year now.
There were some little rays of sunshine brought to me via the mailman from the lovely ladies in my Birthday Fat 1/4 Swap group.
Thankyou to the lovely Maree who organized everything and thankyou ladies for your kind wishes.

Here are a couple of photos of the lovely fabrics that I look forward to creating with from
Jeni, Maree W and Jenny .

More photos another day, I need to go check on the last cake in the oven.
Happy Sewing
PS: All cakes are now cooked and one left to ice. Time to put my feet up for a bit, I really need to get to the sewing machine today as well.

Wednesday 25 March 2009

Cats Rule!

Do cats rule at your house? They certainly do at mine. I only left these pants on the ironing board for 2 minutes and when I came back . . .

Jayne thought they'd make a comfy spot to soak up some morning sun.

Fleur is still soaking up the morning sun in her spot under the ironing board.

Jane also shares her home and blog with a very spoilt moggie. Please pay them a visit and while you're there, enter her giveaway for a chance to win a lovely bag.
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Thankyou ladies for your lovely comments on my log cabin. I thought I'd try and take a close up of the light fabric as it looks white in the photo.

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While you're here, you may have noticed that my PIF on my side bar is still looking for two more names. If you've been thinking about it then now's the time to join. Leave your comment here but click back here for the rules. If I'm still short then that's OK, I'll choose someone who I'd like to make a little something for and surprise them.
Happy Sewing

Saturday 21 March 2009

Back with Photos

Everything is back to normal, in the computer department anyway. All it needed was a good clean on the insides apparently so hope it's all good from here on.

So now I can upload pics from the camera again, here is the lovely Autumn Wall Hanging I received from Janey.

In her parcel she included some sweet fabrics . . .

some sweet chickens - marshmellow, yummm . . .

a sweet kitty notepad and a copy of American Patchwork & Quilting. Of course I've already picked out a couple of patterns from the magazine to add to my to do list.
Thankyou Janey for a wonderful treat and thankyou to Margaret for once again organizing an excellent swap.
And here is a finish from me. This log cabin quilt was finished last Saturday but between sick computers and a hectic lifestyle at the moment, I've only now got the time to show it off.

Now off to the sewing machine while I have a spare moment.
Happy Sewing

Wednesday 11 March 2009

Lucky Me

Still here, just heaps going on and not enough time as usual. This is just a quick post to brag about some mail I received.

Last Friday my first parcel of Birthday Fat 1/4's arrived from Jeni of With Needle and Thread. They are absolutely gorgeous and I can't wait to start planning a project.

Then Monday when I went up to the mail box on dusk in my dressing gown in the wind and showery rain from Cyclone Hamish, another parcel snuggly fitted in the mail box. My 4SQS from the very clever Janey of Sew Stylish. I absolutely adore it and can't stop admiring it. I now have three of the four seasons and I've decided to hang them all on one rod and display them in my lounge room. Hopefully sometime down the track I'll be lucky enough to acquire the fourth season. Janey added a few extras in her parcel so I'm feeling very lucky at the moment.

Sorry no pictures for now. Unfortunately my main computer is down, and I'm not sure of how to load pictures from my camera to this computer so pictures will have to wait. If you click here you can see the photos Janey has taken of the 4SQS.

Happy Sewing

Tuesday 3 March 2009

A Bit of Fun

I was catching up with Gina's blog the other day and she had an alphabet meme for the letter 'T'. It looked like fun so I asked if I could play along.

So Gina assigned me the letter 'M'. Here is my 10 things I love that start with this letter.

1. In a blink of an eye, Mocha Coffee jumped into my head. I can't start the day until I've had one of these. I have one of those senseo coffee machines and this is my ritual morning starter.

2. Malaysian Curry. I came across the recipe about 10 years ago and DD adopted it as her special dish. When she was 12years old, her class made a recipe book and this was her contribution. She's now almost 20 and still makes malaysian curry when ever she's home from Uni.

3. Marshmellows. I don't mind them stuck on the end of a stick and toasted over an open flame. I also love them melting on the top of a hot milo on a cold winters' night.

4. M & M's. Mmmmmmmmm! The mini ones in the snap packs make great little treats in the kids lunch boxes and also for mums who need that little chocolate fix during a big day at work.

5. Mother's Day. Usually means breakfast in bed . . . new slippers for the coming winter . . . a nice card . . . lots of kisses and hugs . . . what more could you ask for.

6. Machine - the sewing kind. I'd be lost without my sewing machine. I've managed a space where I can keep it set up so if I get a spare 5 minutes I can quickly sew a seam or two.

7. Macadamia Nuts. A very versatile and delicious Queensland nut. I have a great recipe for macadamia nut loaf. They're ever so yummy in ice cream or coated in chocolate. Half the fun is cracking them open with a hammer without getting your fingers in the road.

8. Melted Ice Cream. It might seem strange but I love to allow my bowl of ice cream to soften, add topping and mix. It's almost like a thick shake but in a bowl and you get to enjoy it for long eating it with a spoon.

9. Mice. This one's a bit tricky. I love the cute kind in their little mouse house running around the wheel or in and out of their little toys. I've always thought I'd like to own a pet mouse. BUT, I don't get on with the outside kind that find there way into my pantry and nibble on things they shouldn't.
10. Milk. As a child I couldn't get enough of it. I still love my milk, just can't bring myself to drink black coffee. Although for some, me included, skim takes the place of full cream.
Thanks Gina, that was fun. If anyone else would like a try, just drop me a comment and I'll send you a letter to play with.
And if you've made it this far, here's a pic I took yesterday.

I've been threatening to pull my zuccini plants out because the fruit just wasn't able to mature. Boy was I surprised when I checked on them yesterday.
Happy Sewing