
Sunday 29 March 2009

What a Week!

This week just past would have to be the most unproductive week I have ever spent. Why?
Ask the nasty little bug that decided to take residence and take every last ounce of energy giving me the whole exploding head experience. Thankfully it's passing and today is the first day since last Sunday that I have regained some energy. I've even been in the kitchen cooking to get ahead on lunches for this week.

I did manage a little hand sewing in front of the telly with the tissue box close by. Here's my postcard for March which I posted away on Friday. The theme was 'A Miniature Quilt' so I went with my take on Log Cabin.

And this is the sweet Miniature Quilt Postcard I received in Wednesday's mail.

This week I also celebrated my birthday . . . did I say 'celebrate'? Maybe next year now.
There were some little rays of sunshine brought to me via the mailman from the lovely ladies in my Birthday Fat 1/4 Swap group.
Thankyou to the lovely Maree who organized everything and thankyou ladies for your kind wishes.

Here are a couple of photos of the lovely fabrics that I look forward to creating with from
Jeni, Maree W and Jenny .

More photos another day, I need to go check on the last cake in the oven.
Happy Sewing
PS: All cakes are now cooked and one left to ice. Time to put my feet up for a bit, I really need to get to the sewing machine today as well.


  1. Happy birthday, Narelle - lovely fabrics! Take it easy, Darling - you are doing too much - naughty, naughty - you'll end up back in bed - listen to Mummy now! Take care!
    Hugs - Lurline♥

  2. Oh I love Lurline's comment, isn't she such a darling!!!
    Glad you're on the mend now.... maybe you can celebrate your birthday now that you're feeling a bit better!!?! Sounds like a good excuse to go out for dinner!!
    Take it easy ... Lurline's right, don't do too much too soon ;o)!!
    Joy :o)

  3. Happy birthday for this week . I hope you improve quickly .
    clares craftroom

  4. oh Narelle I hope you are feeling better and a big fat happy birthday from me
    many hugs Beth
