
Wednesday 15 April 2009

How Does One Slow Down?

A very quick post to say thankyou to those who have left such lovely comments recently. I will get back to you when things slow down a bit.
Easter has come and gone, I don't think I over endulged in chocolate.
We have our local agricultural show this Saturday, a busy but enjoyable day.
Made it to patchwork group today for most of the day and spent the day in town yesterday.
My next two days will be dedicated to GST (Tax). Yuck!
I hope to have some finishes to share next post so do come back. It's so wonderful to be able to make so many friends no matter the distance or time difference.
Happy Sewing


  1. gosh narelle, are ya puffed out yet? just reading how busy you are makes me feel the need to take a breath...
    julie :)

  2. Don't let things slow down, Gorgeous Girl! You bring such joy to lots of people!
    Hugs - Lurline♥

  3. When you find out let me know. The days are flying by here too.

  4. Have you entered anything in the Show, Narelle?
    Well done on keeping easter egg eating in check...I almost did. ;-)

  5. Hi Narelle,
    I'm with ya!! Life for me is quite the same as you right now and yep GST is one of my culprits too, the other is making myself knuckle down!
    You do sound busy but gee I can relate... I know I already said that... lol
    Enjoy bits where you can... I'm trying to do the same. :D
    Hope your show went well...did you have cattle or preserves or anything entered?
    I'll be popping back for sure PIF buddy.
    Robyn xx
