
Saturday 29 August 2009

Red Finish

Here it is! Yes, another sewing mat, when I like something I usually roll with it.

As I mentioned, this one is also mine and is now happily sitting under my trusty old Janome ready for some action. The red heart sticker top left of the machine has been there for several years so the red mat feels right at home.

I don't think I've ever worked with red before but the reds just jumped out at me.
My next project will also be in reds. Our local art group hold an annual art exhibition and have included a textile section which requires 1/8th of the quilt to use blood red. Sorry, no reveal until after October.
I really must make some progress on our log cabin quilt this weekend and that won't happen if I stay here ... so bye for now.

Tuesday 25 August 2009

Woohoo! I'm Sewing

Hmmmmm! What could this be the start of?

How long will it be before I can show the finished item? And it's something for me!
Now away from here and back to the sewing machine.

Monday 24 August 2009

First Angel Finish

Ta-da! Here's my first project for the Stitcher's Angel Swap.

Will it be heading East, South, North or West?

Winter or Summer?

Here we are at the end of our Winter ... and Summer has rocked in! Wasn't there supposed to be Spring first?

I been kept pretty quiet this month with some bug or another and hope I'm finally kicking the tail end out the door. Sewing projects have been secret ones this month so they will have to wait for show and tell.

My mother took part in 'Another Little Art Quilt Swap' and is very taken with her new wall hanging she received last week.

You can read about the detail here.

Happy Sewing till next time.

Sunday 9 August 2009

No Electricity = Gardening

Yesterday the power was off from 9am till 1pm so after rushing around getting the kitchen tidy after breakfast and filling the thermos, I headed for the sewing room.
Yes, the sewing room first to pull out fabric for 7 little projects I'd like to get started on. Then as I couldn't iron the fabric, it was time to head outdoors.
Here is the almost end result. My lovely (look after themselves) roses are all pruned, weeded and manured compliments of the horses. I just need to spread the manure a little.

Once the power returned we had some lunch and then headed outdoors again. Mowing, whipper snipping and raking in the warm sunshine (almost too warm considering it's only early August).
And here's a little harvest. The yellow ones are sooooo sweet!

Today I'm about to do some ironing (clothing) but I'll also iron yesterday's fabric and start cutting ... Yipeee!

Sunday 2 August 2009

Winner Announced!

Sorry for making you all wait but I wanted to wait till DS came home to ask him to do the honours.

Then, as you can tell, I had to wait for my turn at the computer.
now for the drum roll

CONGRATULATIONS !!! go to . . . .

Julia's comment on 26 July was the lucky entry.
Now as this 2nd anniversary snuck up on me, I don't have a gift ready and waiting, but I do know what I will be making.
Thankyou for all the lovely friendships made.

Blogversary Giveaway!

Or to borrow Maree's title from her blog at Farmyard Crafts (thanks Maree) ... a Retrospective Blogversary Giveaway! In overlooking her first birthday of blogging, Maree went back to all the comments from that particular month and put them all in the draw, a very clever idea indeed!
Well guess what? I've also overlooked my 2nd birthday of blogging which happend to be in the month of July. It was Maree's post that jogged my memory so I've waited until August and shall do the same.
I have printed off all of your comments made in the month of July ... will cut them up ... place in one of my lovely patchwork bags ... and draw a winner. Some of you lovely ladies have more than one chance. My way of saying thankyou for your continued friendships.
While I'm here, can I share with you my garden wanderings. Robyn mentioned her mulberry tree has new growth which prompted me to notice mine. I also found a lone passionfruit.

While I was wondering, I noticed two followers. They enjoy a wander around the garden in the warm sunshine as much as I do.

Be sure to check back later for a winner.

Saturday 1 August 2009

Change of Identity?

Please bare with me as I feel the need for a change ... bigger than just a background change.
For a while I've been toying with changing my blog name and I think this is more me? I still love my roses and am getting ready for some pruning there once they finish flowering. I just think the definition of a 'notion' suits me more, with where I am at right now. And I like how it fits with the abbreviation of my first name.
So I'll keep the blog address and all else the same, I've simply changed my title. I value your thoughts on my make-over.
I leave you with my three fowl friends enjoying some free range in the garden.