
Sunday 9 August 2009

No Electricity = Gardening

Yesterday the power was off from 9am till 1pm so after rushing around getting the kitchen tidy after breakfast and filling the thermos, I headed for the sewing room.
Yes, the sewing room first to pull out fabric for 7 little projects I'd like to get started on. Then as I couldn't iron the fabric, it was time to head outdoors.
Here is the almost end result. My lovely (look after themselves) roses are all pruned, weeded and manured compliments of the horses. I just need to spread the manure a little.

Once the power returned we had some lunch and then headed outdoors again. Mowing, whipper snipping and raking in the warm sunshine (almost too warm considering it's only early August).
And here's a little harvest. The yellow ones are sooooo sweet!

Today I'm about to do some ironing (clothing) but I'll also iron yesterday's fabric and start cutting ... Yipeee!


  1. I can hear those rose bushes laughing, already - beautiful roses come spring! The tomatoes look too good to eat!
    Hugs - Lurline♥

  2. Glad you were able to do something worthwhile while the power was off. The roses will be beautiful.
    Great tomatoes.

  3. The roses will love you for the good feed they were given..
    Don't we take power for granted least you made the most of your time in the garden..
    Julia ♥

  4. I am glad my roses don't know how much they should be looked after or they may leave home.
    Nothing beats home grown tomatoes!In Victoria it is an achievement to have your own tommies by Christmas.

  5. Isn't working in the garden so satisfying.
    I'm ironing today aswell but unfortunately it's clothes not fabric. Ah well it has to be done I suppose.

    Love and hugs Gina xxx

  6. We too got out in the garden its amazing a little bit of sunshine, and the threat of bushfire season not far around the corner.

  7. Hi Narelle,

    You have a very beautiful blog with lovely photos. Your postcard for the July swap with the roses heart is wonderful. I guess you will enjoy the Angel swap with a roses theme since you seem to love roses so much. I will try my best to send you some items which I hope you will like. Until next time, take care.
    An rose "angel!"

  8. Love the new look to your blog Narelle!! It has been a while since my last visit! I've been thinking about changing my blog up a bit... 8-)
    Scrumptious looking little harvest! 8-)
    I see I missed your Bloggerversary! Congrats! 8-)
    Great postcards made, wonderful folder cover, awesome jean quilt, a great stained glass wall-quilt!
    Wonderful sewing machine mats you've made there! Something I should do! Been thinking of making my machine a cover... could make a matching set! 8-)
    I think I am caught up now... sorry for my absence...
    Happy stitchings and have a great weekend! 8-)
