
Friday 17 June 2011

Colourful Friday ~ Blue and Orange

Ok so this combination has finally beaten me ... I have lots and lots of blue around me and even quite a bit of orange but nothing of them together except ...

As you can see by the date on the pic, I've gone back through my photos for a 'Bird of Paradise'.  Gorgeous orange with a touch of pale blue. I'm really looking forward to seeing what everyone else was able to find and I'm sure there will be lots of 'ahhhhh' moments. Head over to Robyn at Daisy Quilts for more links.


  1. Your Bird of Paradise is beautiful!! We have to buy those flowers in a floral shop! It's great seeing all the photos. Have a great Colourful Friday and wonderful weekend.

  2. very pretty Narelle

  3. What a great choice. Your Bird of Paradise fits the bill perfectly. Wish I had a green thumb!

  4. Hello Narelle,

    I just love the formation of these super tough plants. Happy Colourful Friday.Bev.xoxo

  5. they are such beautiful flowers.

  6. What a true beauty....stunning!

  7. Quite a challenge - blue and orange hummmmm......

    I'm off to the garden to see what I can find, but to be honest I just want to enjoy the warmth from the sun, the quiet and should I lose myself in the task to diddle daddling then so be it!

    Thanks for inspiring me... LOL

  8. Ha! I put one of them up as well, only flower with both colours!

  9. Gorgeous flowers and simply amazing!

  10. dont forget the green and red/pink that is playing a role on this lovely photo.
    The Bird of Paradise is one of my favorite examples of loveliness.
    good luck in your search...Karencg

  11. Hi Narelle, thanks for dropping by my blog on Colourful's been fun seeing all the photography, your Bird of Paradise does look soooo like a bird! What an amazing photo.
