
Monday 3 October 2011

October Goals

I was reading on Kate's blog where she had listed her goals for the month of September and then gave an update report at the end of the month. OK so I'm game to give it a go and see just how much I can cross off my list by the end of the month.

My Goals for October

Month 6 of Because I Said So BOM
Month 7 of Because I Said So BOM
Letter 'H' of Home Sweet Home BOM
SSCS gifts made and wrapped
(these will also be for 1 Xmas Item)
Quilting done on UFO Citrus quilt
Quilting done on brother's quilt
Finish half knitted scarf
1" Hexi Flowers for Inchy Swap
GST for the quarter

Happy Sewing


  1. good idea Narelle

  2. Hello Narelle,

    Good luck hope you achieve to tick them all of your list.
    happy days.

  3. O WOW!, and that in one month!.. Good luck! (and not much sleep LOL)
    Maybe I have to make a goal list too.

  4. Did I read it right? Goals for the month, like in one month?

    Don't reckon anyone could say you are slacking off when it comes to craft N.

    That list would take me a year, and that's if I was pushing it...LOL

  5. Good for you Narelle!!
    I've done weekly goals, but wasn't very successful with it... I imagine a month would be a bit more flexible... Hmmm...?
