
Monday 9 April 2012

Progress and An Award

Next row of hexigons complete ... now I have 30 to make and attach for the next round which will most likely be the last round.

Last week I was awarded the "Liebster Blog Award" by Bev at Kainga Happenings. I love visiting Bev's blog for her beautiful work and her gorgeous garden. Thanks Bev :)

Liebster is German for 'favourite' and this award is given to blogs with 200 or less followers. My part in this is to pass the award onto 5 blogs and let them know they've been given an award. Here are my five but please don't stop there ... check out all the wonderful '1 Xmas Item' bloggers and my list of blogs I like to follow.

Anne from Snail Patches
Beth from Highland Hen
Bec from Living Simply
Marina from Maisie and the Boys
Carol from The Patch Craft

The other requirement is to tell you 5 things about myself .... hmmmmm?

1.  My cat Jayne is sitting beside as I type and every so often places her paw on my leg with a claw out to say 'hey, I'd like some attention please'.

2.  My other cat Fleur is sunning herself at the other end of the room.

3.  I can't start my day without a coffee.

4.  I have perfected the art of 'procrastination' and 'last minute finishes'.

5.  I am a choco-holic.

I won't be offended if anyone prefers not to pass on this award and perhaps if anyone else would like to join in then please consider yourself awarded :)


  1. your hexie mat is looking fantastic Narelle,well done.xx

  2. Loving your hexie mat!
    thanks for the award.

  3. the mat is great... red and white is so effective...

  4. Thanks for the award :0) and go the hexies, they look great!

  5. The hexie is looking great.

    Many thanks for the award, I am secretly stoked (but don't tell anyone;)

  6. I love your hexy mat.
    PS - I can't start my day without a coffee either.
