
Thursday 29 November 2012

Just A Little Flat!

Yesterday was a beautiful day spent with friends, fabric and food. Our patchwork group had their final day for 2012 so we celebrated with everyone bringing a plate to share for the most delicious lunch.

Why the title after such a lovely day?  On the way home ....  almost home .... tyre going flat!  Thankfully I was able to still drive the short distance home and park it in disgust. Second flat in a month!

So this morning after sleeping in an hour, I've spent an hour on the phone to SIL and then an hour changing the said flat tyre.

On a happy note I did get my TTS basted yesterday and started on the hand quilting ... YIPEEE.

Just to top things off when I try to upload a photo a window pops up to tell me I'm out of space. Has anyone else had this happen and can anyone advise me on how to go about more space? You could visit Mt. Perry Quilters for some photos of our day.

I did have intentions of loading a quilt onto the frame but now I'm wondering if I should just go sit in front of a fan with some stitching and lots of cool drinks because the weather man said we're getting a heatwave :(

Happy Sewing


  1. yes it happened a few days ago with me Narelle i bought more space for $2.19 a month,hope things pick up for you.xx

  2. Yes it happened to me. Says i have to buy more space. You can check Picasa(where the photo's off your blog get stored) as well because somehow blogger/Picasa duplicate & triplicate photo's in the storage area. Removing them helps but be careful as it also takes them off the blog. Being a member of several blogs also takes up the storage space when posting photo's on those blogs. Photo shrinkage apparently helps with this problem. Hugs,

  3. Why is it that flats always happen in succession? Glad it's fixed and great that your TTS is ready to go. Stay cool.

  4. amazing how those tyres pop one after the other... lots of us are running out of space... I deleted quite a lot and they have left black spots on my blog but that is okay.... apparently if you keep the pictures below a certain size they continue to be free and I am learning this... also you can email the pictures to your blog ... or pay for the extra space

  5. I just had to buy more space too, very reasonable rates. there should be a window that pops up to guide you through how to do it.
    The TTS looks wonderful, & I know you will do a great job with the hand-quilting Narelle
