
Saturday 1 December 2012

Summer Welcomes December

December heralds the first day of Summer for us, however this year Summer jumped the starters pistol and got here well before December. Nothing for it but to sit in front of the fan with some stitching and a tall glass of cold water.

I'm winging it this month with no list :)  With 3 projects to finish as soon as I can manage, I'll just keep working on those and chill out (if possible).  In no particular order of priority ...

#1  Ribbon Star - needs quilting - purchased backing this morning
#2  Tis The Season - 3 of 12 blocks hand quilted so far
#3  Christmas Gift with a tree theme - over halfway there

Oooops!  That looks a little bit like a list to me.

I promised yesterday that I would have a little reveal today so without further ado and a little drumroll please  . . . . . . . . . . .

Congratulations Cheryll for making 1 Xmas Item A Month - every month!  A little gift will be on it's way to you shortly.

After checking names against months, everyone's name was placed in a hat and I asked hubby to draw out 2 tickets. So if you participated 4 months I wrote your name out 4 times for 4 chances ... 7 months, 7 chances as so on. Another little drumroll please . . . . . . . . . . .

Lucky winners are Fiona and Sheila  Congratulations and a little something will be on it's way to you both.  I thank you all for sewing along side by side, or as close as we can be in cyberspace, and sharing all the beautiful gifts and decorations made throughout the year. It's time to start bringing them out of storage if you haven't already and enjoy the season.

Not trying to rush the New Year but I've already planned my 2013 item. As I will be working more hours next year I need to organise my sewing time to get the most out of it so when I saw this Rosalie Quinlin designs pattern from here, I just had to buy it. 

My plan is one letter a month for 9 months plus 1 month to put it together. I'm sure I can come up with something else for the other 2 months.

I would love to have everyone back for '1 Xmas Item A Month 2013' so keep an eye out in early January for an official sign up. Maybe you'd prefer to break down one bigger project into monthly chunks or continue with 1 or more items each month. It's all about the friendship and sharing and no stress aloud :)

Merry Christmas Sewing


  1. lovely pattern Narelle and congrats to the lucky girls.xx

  2. I will be keeping my eyes peeled for sign-up for this, I already have a few projects in mind to go towards it!
    Yes, that does look suspiciously like a list, lordy only knows how anyone keeps track of a crafty list at this time of year.... my Dec crafting will be very higgle-piggle..

  3. Love this pattern.

    Next year I am going to work extra hard on finishing gifts. I have a lot of stitcheries finished just need to work out what to make with them.

  4. I have that bunting pattern along with Rosalie's other one. Had hoped to have them done for this Xmas. Maybe next Look forward to joining 1 Xmas item a month next year. Hugs,

  5. What a great way to start off my day , thanks Narelle, I know there have been months I have been slack at reporting as most months I did make something :-)Thanks again. Sheila

  6. ooooh wow..... I have had so much fun with doing this and now I get a prize too!!! that is so sweet of you... and of course I will be there next year .... love that bunting you are doing...

  7. your bunting will be a great project for Christmas.
    I will have to make a list of goodies to make for next year. I am always better at the start of the year than towards the end.

  8. Oh what a lovely treat for the girls! And well done Cheryll :) I love your un-list for this month, and I hope you manage to find somewhere cool to chill, lol. I have written my 1xmas list and am currently culling my 1xmas list, lol. So hopefully all set to join up at the start of the year, rather than in the er middle :)

  9. I will definitely joining up again in the new year and will try and post about my Xmas makes each month
