
Friday 1 February 2013

February Already

Update:  11am  -  Thankyou to the guys working tirelessly to return everyone's power ... we are back online.

Update:  No change here at our place although the waters are dropping and just maybe we can get somewhere soon. We've heard that the roads are a mess to say the least so that will have a large bearing on just where and how far we can go. Still waiting on power to be restored also.

This is a little of what I've been doing. The radio is our friend ... the ABC local channel is doing a fantastic job of keeping everyone in the know.

A few hexies, a little bit of embroidery and boiling the kettle for a coffee.

Till the next update ...


  1. Perhaps today will bring some power to your area. Fingers crossed! Stay safe and NO MORE RAIN... for awhile anyway!! :)

  2. all sounds quite hard for so many ... take care and you seem to be making the most of the time at home...

  3. glad to see you are safe Narelle,take care and hope power is back on soon.xx

  4. Good to see you're making the most of a difficult situation, and safe at home.

  5. I hope things get better for you guys soon. It is tough without power, but you seem to be using your time wisely. Stay safe!

  6. looks like you have the staples covered- hexies, a sandwhich, a radio, and a kettle for sustaining cups of tea!

  7. Hope you have power soon,stay safe.
    Enjoy your coffee.
    Laura xx

  8. Yay for the power being back on and the water going down...hope the damage to your property is minimal...nice hexie action happening in the meantime...

  9. Stay safe Narelle,hope the power's restored to you soon,love the hexie pin cushion :) Barb.

  10. Glad your power's back on, you look like you are making the best of it!!
