
Sunday 10 February 2013

Hexie Progress on FNwF

Friday Night with Friends seems like a long time ago now but there hasn't been time or energy to share my hexie making.

Flowers now total 6 and this left me with no more squares cut ready so..........

I'm using a honey bun for the petals as the strips are just the right width and all I do is cut them into squares. The cream is from a solid charm pack.  Enough here now for 18 more flowers.

Through the week I was able to go back to work for a couple of days and the rest of the days have been spent out in the paddocks carrying out fence work. Not much other sewing happening ... can't keep my eyes open long enough at night. I am looking forward to Saturday when a few girls from our patchwork group are attending a workshop so hopefully I'll have some progress to share.

My eyelids are winning again .... goodnight :)


  1. you sound exhausted Narelle,hope you feel better this week.xx

  2. loving those hexie flowers and the squares look so neat all lined up ready to go.
    sounds like you are flat chat hope things settle.

  3. They are so pretty Narelle, and good to have all that prep done. Sleep well.

  4. Your hexies are so pretty, hope you are catching up on sleep!

  5. Oh my but it sounds like you are/have been going through much frustration with all this in the last few weeks. Sounds like a very exhausting time for you all. I hope normality comes your way again very soon...

    Hexies looking great, and your pups are adorable!

    Take care...

  6. Sorry to hear that you had such a difficult time. Sometimes the crafting has to take a back seat and other times it is a comforting pastime.
    Take care of yourself as you do all your repair work.

  7. Looking wonderful girl :)
    I picked mine up again recently... haven't done anything
    Yours are very pretty!
