Sunday, 31 December 2017

A Quiet Farewell to 2017

Just me, my sewing machine and of course Millie.  Just 20 minutes to 2018 here in Queensland .... Jimmy Barnes singing on TV ...  Millie on my lap and 10 Calendar Bears sashed. The other 2 will have to wait until next year 😉 Thanks Chooky for the push 🤗

Clock is counting down ... only 14 minutes to go ...

Happy New Year 🎉

Saturday, 30 December 2017

One More Tick

Another to-do ticked off for December ... this yummy block for A Holly Cottage Christmas.

Only 2 blocks to go. Now I'm stitching on Ruth's Quilt for November ... always seem to be playing catch-up 😊

Enjoying my down time so much.

Sunday, 24 December 2017

Miss December

Merry Christmas from sweet Miss December.  Sorry but I can't convince her to stand up ... too much eggnog?

I have really enjoyed stitching these Calendar Bears by Michelle of Rag Tag Stitchin' ... they've been a lovely little monthly project. Looking forward now to auditioning some fabrics for sashings.

Saturday, 23 December 2017


Thank you Wendy for hosting our get togethers each month. I may not have always made it but when I did it was very enjoyable sewing along with everyone and I look forward to coming together again next year.

Miss December might just make it before Christmas.

Merry Christmas dear friends

Tuesday, 19 December 2017

Just Crusin' In and FNSI

Well then!  Looking back, all I can say is that I hope 2018 is a lot more productive in the crafty department ...

On the up side, I haven't felt like I'm hurtling head first down a steep hill about to crash into the end of the year. Hence my title ... feels more like a leaf floating down a quiet stream ... just crusin' along with the current ... nice.

We had a busy start to the school holidays, mustering and branding with our youngest musterer keeping up with the pace ...little champion.


Before work came play ... celebrating dad's 80th Birthday ... horseshoe mudcake by yours truely.

Then a trip to town to 'finish' the Christmas List, followed by a weekend with some stitching and prepping.  Miss November is complete with bucket and spade ...

while Miss December is traced and awaiting needle and thread to weave their magic.

I also have my AHJC block for December pieced, appliqued and ready for the final embroidery. So a little progress is happening.

Looking forward to joining in with Wendy and friends for the final FNSI for the year ... pop over, sign up and help spread some Festive Joy.

Merry Christmas

Sunday, 3 December 2017

December Traditions

Once upon a time when my children were little, a tradition began. We always waited until the first weekend in December to put any Christmas decorations up ... roll the clock forward almost 3 decades and

with Christmas Carols filling the air, Grandson J and I have been busy spreading cheer throughout our home.

For each day during the month of November , DD and I decluttered an equal number of "things" ie: on the 1st, 1 item, on the 2nd, 2 items and so on all the way to 30 items on the 30th. At first it was daunting and again getting towards the biggest numbers ... but it only takes the right storage cupboard and it was easy peasy. Now must of my cupboards have been emptied and re-organized ... oh what a feeling!

Decisions have been made and steps taken to also declutter life in general so we're ready to take on whatever 2018 has in store. But let's not rush through December, I have some stitching to catch up on ... one more week of paid work ...

I did manage one finish for November.

Enjoying the sound of rain on the roof ... time for a relaxing cuppa.