Sunday, 2 February 2025

Chookshed Challenge and a UFO

 How lucky am I?  In January I swapped my number #6 for item #10 so that I could have some little embroideries done for when it came time to mark cards.

Hey presto and February's number is #10 so I get to switch back for item #6 and make cards. As well as popping those little cross stitches into cards, I plan to make a few other flowery cards with my Stampin Up bits and pieces.

My sewing 'stuff' is spread between 2 spare bedrooms and the 'craftavan' so I've been busy trying to sort, rearrange, condense etc etc and get down to the van and 1 spare bedroom. Some bits and pieces I'm taking straight to the van to be dealt with ... enter a UFO!

Tucked away in a take-away container were the completed embroidery 4.5" squares, 4 sewn strips and lots of various strips of fabrics. Scrolling back through my blog, I first mention this project in March 2011. It was called "Home Sweet Home BOM" by Paula ... unfortunately when I click on the links they no longer work.

So using the strips in the container along with 1 or 2 strips from stash ... this is what I came up with and now have a completed wall hanger top. I've even managed to remove 1 set of small shelves from one room and open up a little bit more space for when Mum visits ... winning.


  1. EnJoY whichever project you work on...xox

  2. How good your No swapping has worked out….
    Doing well with your tiding up.
    Cute finish.
    Maria lifeontheblock

  3. Swapping those numbers has worked out really well for you. Love your little wall hanging. xx

  4. You are on a roll. How good to finish up that little UFO. Would you like to pop over to my place and sort out my mess? It really needs it.

  5. Lovely top.... I have also been trying to sort, condense, rearrange and finding things to make up...

  6. Great work on your tops. Why does sewing stuff take up so much room....happy tidying x

  7. I like the rule that we can swap. Really, there are no rules. It is just a UFO encouragement activity.
