Still 4 hours left of my Wednesday and here I am. State of Origin Rugby League is on the TV but I have my priorities.
My OC got the better of me today so I had to pull out all the 2 1/2" squares and sort them roughly into colour groups. Then I laid out flowers already completed (9 of those); as well as the flower buds (hexies waiting to be made into flowers).

Funny how I thought I had lots of squares and yet when I make all these up, I will only have about 40 flowers plus one hexie of each fabric left over. Of course there is always the rest of my stash to dive into.

As well as sorting, I finished off two flowers that I had started quite a while back. I had sewn the petals to the centre so just needed to stitch between the petals. Which brings me to ask, how do you make your flowers up?
The blue flower at the top is today's NEW flower. Just freshly picked.

I'm really happy with my progress today. How does your garden grow?