AND THE WINNER IS ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !OK, so the way I did the draw was to put numbers in a container to coincide with each of your comments.
Then I asked DD to draw a number from the container . . . and the number was . . .
# 2 So CONGRATULATIONS goes to Chook (Beth). I'll be contacting Beth by email.Thanks to all who left a comment, I've enjoyed visiting your blogs in return and hope you continue to visit mine.

WOW, Summer is here in all it's glory. While some are busy mopping up after the
fierce storms and flooding rains, others are still waiting for the first drop to quench the burning ground. Wouldn't it be wonderful to have giant hoses to deliver the waters from flooded areas out to those who are still bone dry.
We had a lovely surprise visit from my parents on Friday afternoon. Mum brought along her box of goodies she received from Sharon Z all the way from USA for ALQS2. She is so thrilled with her little quilt and now that she's finished showing it off, it will be going up on the wall at her place. So from Margaret to Sharon, a huge THANKYOU!
While they were here we had a scheduled power outage most of Sunday so Dad, DH and DS worked outdoors while us girls did what girls do . . . shifted furniture around. Well only one piece but it was my china cabinet which was of course full of STUFF!
Myself, Mum, DD and DS's GF removed everything, cleaned everything, moved the cupboard and replaced everything. Then it was on to Christmas decorations. I usually wait till December but we were after all only one day early so now on the 1st of December we are ready for Christmas. I still have room for a couple of new decorations though.

Once the power returned, DD decided to make some Gingerbread People to take to work.
Meet Mr and Mrs Gingerbread. She made 8 couples and perhaps one left over, then some stars and Christmas Trees.

Aren't they all just so sweet! . . . and yummy! Well we did get to sample some.
Quilting Wishes