PINS ~ my love of patchwork and quilting ... WHISKERS ~ my fur-babies past and present ...
Sunday, 30 December 2007
Last One For 2007
Sunday, 23 December 2007
Merry Christmas
Friday, 14 December 2007
Whose New in the Hen House
Sunday, 9 December 2007
Free Motion Quilting Day
First we cross-hatched and then we stippled. Then we could try other patterns as we wished. This is Lisa's first attempt at free motion quilting. When she ran out of room on her sample she started going back over.
I realy liked the effect of 'fire', top left sample and also enjoyed the leaves.
Saturday, 1 December 2007
Shopping Day
Saturday, 17 November 2007
Calico Hearts
Saturday, 10 November 2007
Bag No. 1

As per the second bag, the first bag is also reversable.

Sunday, 4 November 2007
Bag No. 2
This first photo is right side out but I was very particular with the placement of the backing squares so that the bag is completely reversible as shown in the second photo.
The sky is promising a storm this afternoon. Here's hoping it brings plenty of rain but none of the destructive winds that were about last week.
Sunday, 28 October 2007
Here's the denim quilt I made for my daughter's single bed that I couldn't upload last week. I used a country striped fabric for the side and bottom borders with demin blocks in each corner. The top has no border. Sorry but I'm not the best photographer.
Next on my agenda is a small piece of about 2 feet square that I can sandwich and start practicing some machine quilting on. I feel the need to move on from ditch stitching and straight lines so i'll just start small at first and see if my machine can cope with it as well as myself.
Sunday, 21 October 2007
Slow Week
Then there is the weather. The sky has been overcast and the wind has been blowing for days now but no rain to speak of. I much prefer the lovely sunshine.
I have made time to keep track of my favourite bloggers and oooh and aaah over their beautiful creations. My photo is of a single bed quilt I made for my daughter out of old denim jeans. Some pockets are within the patch of fabric and others have been stitched on later. I didn't put batting in this one as it was already quite heavy and warm. (Sorry, no photo. Blogger says unable to upload. In keeping with my week I guess. Hopefully next time.)
The bag I mentioned in my last blog is still waiting for handles which I purchased this week. Perhaps later today.
Saturday, 13 October 2007
Lost Time
Luckily the storms didn't do damage like they have in other places. Just lots of wind blowing branches down and some nice rain. Today is lovely and sunny but blowing a gale. A good day for staying indoors and catching up on my favourite blogs. Then I'm off to the sewing machine to work on another bag. This one is using a specific fabric for Breast Cancer Research and will be a donation to raise funds along with other various bags made by our Patchwork group.
While I'm in bag mode, I've included a couple of photographs of my coffee cup bag. It has a draw-string top to keep my cup safe and six pockets around the outside to keep everything from coffee sachets and tea bags to biscuits for a snack. It lives in my craft basket and is always at the ready. I also made one of these for my good friend, again I forgot to take a photograph. Since blogging, my memory for taking photos is getting better.
I also have some news on my chickens. In a previous blog I had a photo of Anthony and Snow and mentioned that Ella was sitting on eggs. Well, Ella is now the proud mum of two sooty coloured little chickens. I will endeavour to take photographs but at the moment they move like lightening.
Thursday, 27 September 2007
One Day Wonders
Saturday, 22 September 2007
Smell the Roses
Saturday, 15 September 2007
Enjoying Spring
Thursday, 6 September 2007
Kaleidoscopes Completed
The weather has been very cold and miserable the last two days. Yesterday rained all day and turned our dirt road into slush. Today has been overcast and showery and the wind has been howling non stop. An excellent day for staying indoors and sewing but sadly the housework and paperwork have had to come first after my sewing frenzy last week.
Next project is a patchwork nappy bag as a gift for a friend and then back to those unfinished projects. I seem to always have a couple on the go, then I can work on whichever I feel like at the time. And browsing through magazines, I always manage to add to my to do list. Oh well.
Saturday, 1 September 2007
The Home Straight
After a quick cuppa, it was needles and threads at the go till lunch. Then back to the sewing. Of course plenty of chatting as we worked. We had tried to plan this day a couple of times previously but something always came up at the last minute to postpone it.
Saturday, 25 August 2007
Sorting Scraps

My girls have taken advantage of the cooler weather to curl up. My son left his quilt on the lounge and it didn't take them long to make a cosy spot for themselves. Fleur is on the left and Jayne on the right. Luckily they're on the back of the quilt. I read a little quote one day that said "Dogs have owners and cats have slaves". These two have got that right but I love their company.

Saturday, 18 August 2007
Blessing In Disguise
I would like to include a photo of one of the quilts my mother has made. She prefers to hand sew, so Dorothy Clark's 'Cottage Gardens Wall-Hanging' was just the one. Here it awaits being sandwiched and bound. It now has pride of place on one of her beds.
It also goes to show that a love of sewing, patchworking and quilting runs in our family as in many families, passed down from mother to daughter. I might add that my grandmother is an avid hand embroiderer, knitter and crocheter and her hands are never idle at the age of 90.
The weather man forcasts rain for today and tomorrow. It's getting bleaker by the minute so I hope he's right. A lovely day for staying indoors and ... quilting.
Thursday, 9 August 2007
Kaleidoscope Quilt

This is only half of the hexagons that were made from the fabric. These are all the ones that had any blue in them. The other half I sorted again into orange/green and red/white/green and am making two longer narrow wall hangings.
Thursday, 2 August 2007
No Red Yet

Thursday, 26 July 2007
Roses are Red
Sunday, 22 July 2007
Empty Nest
This cold weather has been getting me down, I just don't seem to be able to warm up. The weather man says the temps are rising so I hope he's right.
I've set my sewing machine up and put the word out to hubby that I'm on a schedule to finish my newest quilt by a deadline. And that deadline is coming up sooner than I like. So when I can't be found, I'll be in the sewing room, sewing madly.
My fourth and final Long Service Leave quilt is sandwiched and awaiting quilting. But it will have to wait until the deadline quilt is finished. And then there's a Patchwork Bag I'm making for a friend's soon to be newborn. Of course I have a couple other quilts on the go somewhere. Their turn for completion will come.