Tuesday 16 July 2024

A Warm Finish

 Now that this crochet Knee Rug is a finish ... it's back to burying threads on the round rug.

Of course, as soon as I lay a project out for a photo ... the inspectors arrive. I'll take it as a tick of approval from Millie.

We're all back by the fire now.

Warm thoughts to everyone x

Sunday 7 July 2024

FNWF and Challenge #1

Winter ... the perfect season for wool projects ... so this was my Friday night spent with like minded Friends.

I've been working on this crochet rug and after Friday and Saturday nights, it has only 2 colour row sets to go ... woohoo.

My Challenge #1 in July is a Wedding Quilt that's been on the "To Quilt" pile. It's now in a bag with wadding and backing, ready to head off to the quilter.

We've had a very busy fortnight with all grandies visiting at one time or another, the muster is complete ... the weaners (young cattle weaned from their mums) are in the yards settling well ... our home has returned to it's regular program.

Off to my Patchwork group tomorrow where I hope to finish the crochet rug.  
Have a lovely and productive week.

Sunday 30 June 2024

A Busy June Wrap

 Temperature Quilt has been ticking along with 4 rows complete up to mid June.

Challenge #10 wasn't as I envisaged but I did whip up 4 Thank You cards.

A new little nephew needed a Welcome Gift so I got busy and made this raggy quilt with cotton front and cosy fleecey back.

I've also kept up with my crochet rug but can't find a pic at this moment.

With school holidays halfway through, we've had 3 of 4 grandsons visiting while carrying out a round of mustering so no crochet or sewing this past week.

Time for some shut-eye ... all hands on deck tomorrow 😊

Saturday 8 June 2024


 Perfect weather for working with wool and a crochet hook. 

Perfect company on a Friday night with virtual Friends ... thankyou ... drop by via the link on my right sidebar and see what everyone else was working on.

Saturday 25 May 2024

A Moment in May

 I'm grabbing this moment in what has been a very busy May, for a quick wrap up. Work called at the start of the month and asked if I could cover for 3 weeks. Then I'm having grandsons next week which means school bus run with one and entertaining the other ... plenty of gardening planned as he loves to be outdoors. 

#5 Challenge piece has progressed. These are the 1st two weeks of Row 4 plus week 3 is also done. Each row consists of 6 weeks.

I also continued on with the #9 knitted rug and just need to join the two halves now and add some tassles.

My DD had the same wool kit and passed it on to me so now I'm crocheting another rug in this zig zag pattern after a lesson from my mother.

This is a project I can work on next week once the grandies are sound asleep ... I don't expect much else will be touched but that's perfectly fine ... love spending time with the grandsons 🥰

Back to the crochet.

Wednesday 1 May 2024

April Wrap - May Challenge

It was a late start to Challenge #9 but the knitting needles have been clicking away and it's coming along fairly quickly.  I'm on the home stretch but with approx. 200 stitches (and still increasing) on the circular needles, it takes me time to get a row done ... I'm not the world's fasted knitter.

Another finished quilt top has been added to the pile.  Just a lot of scraps and an idea of how to put them together ... very happy with how it all worked out.

Now with a promise to complete #9 in May ... the number for Chookshed Challenge May is .......... #5 - Temperature Quilt.

I've just finished Row 3 for 2024 which took us up to April 27. 

I do also have my 2023 Temp Quilt which just needs borders ... so ... Challenge Accepted.

Off to make some lunch ... have a beautiful Wednesday

Tuesday 16 April 2024

A Finish or 2 of Sorts

 The Chookshed Challenge was just what I needed ... thank you ladies. I've kept working on a couple and have finishes to share. 

Challenge 2 - 'Crochet Rug' - Finished

Challenge 4 - "Strip Insertion Quilt" - Finished Top

I have to admit to stalling on this month's challenge but I did work out the new crochet pattern I mentioned. 

And then there's Row 2 of my 2024 Temperature Quilt 

Of course the recent school holidays meant Sleepovers with Masters 10 and 4 who love helping with the cattle work. This particular morning tea menu was pikelets and mug cakes. 

So that's a little catch up on April and I still have time to work on the current Challenge #9.

Tuesday 2 April 2024

Chookshed Challenge #9

My #9 project is a crochet rug... lucky the weather is cooler.

The rug I had in mind is actually knitted so I will possibly do a little more on it ... it's done in 2 semicircles and one is finished.

However it so happens I recently came across another crochet rug pattern and am keen to give it a try...once I finish my edge to edge crochet rug which is so close.

Sunday 31 March 2024

Challenge #4 Nice Surprise

Finally had a day for sewing and made the last 4 blocks for Stip Insertion.

Once all joined it was time for the borders. Of course being a UFO for many years ... I no longer have the dark green dyed fabric and will have to source some more. 

Surprise, surprise! I never expected to still have the main floral fabric lying around ... imagine my shock when I spotted it while digging for the green and yellow. So happy with that great find.

Thank you for this challenge ladies ... not long now to find out April's number.

Monday 18 March 2024

Challenge #4 Progressing

Big thank you to Deana and Chooky for this Challenge.  It's been just what I needed to quick into gear and move some projects along.

No power Saturday was a bit of a drag so I did some crochet on #2 and am about to 'turn the corner' with it. After lunch I grabbed out a square of fabric and some strips and prepped to make a practice block for 'Strip Insertion' ... just to make sure I could still do it.  Power back and block complete.

Then Sunday I was out in the van, completed blocks 9 - 12 and then put blocks 1 - 12 together ... now to work on the last 4 blocks basically from scratch.

It's supposed to have a border of the main fabric but finding that will be pretty much impossible ... I will have to come up with an alternative.

Sadly I missed out on some lovely Zoom time Saturday ... no power = no internet and very limited phone service ... boil the kettle and fill the flask so there was coffee, snacks and crafting.

Busy week this week with work and town but I'm looking forward to another finished flimsy ... have a great week.

Saturday 16 March 2024

Unearthed Mystery

At the start of the month, while I was looking for my #2 Strips project, I unearthed a small plastic container and dared to peak.  If I'm being honest, there's more than one small plastic container in a large tub but one at a time.

This particular one contained fabric already cut into strips of varying lengths and sorted into sets, each with a 2.5" square ... and about seven 6.5" blocks already sewn.  Last patchwork day I had a last minute change of project, packed the sewing machine and got to joining those sets into more blocks.

Yesterday I finished sewing the last few blocks, auditioned some fabrics for a border and ... hey presto. Finished size is 42" square ... a nice size for a lap quilt to keep me warm in front of the TV. I have no idea how long it has sat hidden away but I'm pleased to have a completed top.

Now on with the Strip Insertion Quilt ... I've managed to track down the pattern. We're having a planned power outage for maintenance today so I'm rushing to get a few jobs down; fill the hot water flask for future cuppas; pressed this top; quick vacuum and then I can sit outside in the sunlight and do some handwork.

Happy Weekend

Saturday 2 March 2024

FNWF - Strip Insertion #2

Another little treasure hunt last night and ... project found! Still pinned to a flannelette sheet and folded up where I left it. Just unfolded and draped over the sofa.

UPDATE after a press: 1/2 of the blocks done, 1/4 of  blocks half done and 1/4 of blocks waiting.

I had also remembered and signed up for FNWF but after all day with a headache I had to call it an early night. I so wanted to get these blocks pressed and layed out better ... hopefully today.

Temperature Quilt 2024 - January

Friday 1 March 2024

February Challenge Wrap

I better get a quick update in before we launch into March Challenge. 

There was some progress on #2 ... a few more rows. It was just a nice day for procrastinating while chatting with friends and browsing a few magazines ... patchwork ones of course.

I wonder what the March number will be?

Sunday 18 February 2024

Number #2 for Challenge

 Wow!  No thanks to the 'flu bug' that took it's toll on both hubby and I. He started a couple days before me but we've both been down and out for a fortnight. Then it's taken another week to feel like I'm back to normal ...

So what's been happening at my place? Nothing!  I did check at the start of the month which item was my #2 for the Chookshed Challenge and finally dug it out this morning.

I'm taking it with me to Patchwork Day tomorrow to work on ... I'll pop back with a progress pic.

It's a little hard to see but 2 of the colours I'm using are a cream and a very pale pink.

I have also had to change my #7 from Calendar Quilt to Scrappy Quilt after I finished the calendar quilt to a top ... but I have no shortage of projects to choose from.

Now for some Blog hopping ... Enjoy your Sunday

Tuesday 30 January 2024

Nature, Scraps and Memories

Last Thursday, these baby Willy Wagtails left their nest. Mum and Dad had been very busy raising them and continue to feed them as I've spotted them around the house since.  This is their second brood, the first nest built just outside our back door ... parents would get quite upset when we kept walking past so ... they actually pulled their first nest apart and rebuilt on the other side of the house where it was much quieter.

My crepe myrtle seems to be late blooming this year but has certainly put on a beautiful show. 

Last seam sewn today and "Calendar Quilt" is a completed TOP. I had to scroll way back through the blog to find where I first posted.  Commenced in 2009, it involved 1" strips for each day of each month so there are 365 different fabrics in this quilt. Quilting friends donated scraps here and there and I can see many past projects in these scraps.  In my defence, I finished the months in that year and just couldn't decide what to use as the sashings. As a UFO Challenge in 2018, I decided on the 4 patch set on point and made about half ... then it was back to storage. My thoughts once quilted (don't hold your breath) I'll bind in a red.

Another on my 'to do' list is Lucy Boston and I did say this would be my Zoom project ... so I've decided it can also be my project for our local patchwork days ... saves me having to think of projects, pack the sewing machine and everything else etc.

Update on the Temperature Quilt ... I've sewn the 2nd half of the geese ranging from 21deg to 40deg at the top. Just waiting for the final instructions.

Finally, my blog book arrived ... again 2 years in one as my blogging has gone by the wayside. This mother possum and her baby hold special memories. In the middle of town, beside a busy roadway. this mother found a quite garden in hospital grounds, to make her home and raise her baby. 

Nature never ceases to amaze. 

Wednesday 10 January 2024

Basting #6 and Sleepovers

 Monday came and I stayed on track, taking 'Pond Play' to patchwork and getting it sandwiched ready for quilting. This is my #6 for the Chookshed Challenge.

Looking back through my blog, I found the pattern was from the "9 Patch Pizzaz" book and named 'Pond Play'.

Tuesday our son and 2 grandsons arrived to help with mustering. Master M had his  birthday Monday so there was time for present opening first. Here he is running to open the gate for Pa.

Of course they get to sleep over a few nights so any sewing will be delayed ... but for the nicest reason.

Sunday 7 January 2024


Pleased to say I was able to join in on Friday night with a little bit of cutting, pinning and sewing. Thanks to Cheryll and Friends for company, I managed half of the required flying geese for the border. These show the temperatures from 1 deg to 20 deg (top to bottom).

I'm not sure yet if there is a plain border in between but it will be the grey border top and bottom of the quilt.

Off to Patchwork tomorrow with my "Fish Pond" in hand.

Friday was Master P's birthday ... we visited today and delivered his present. He loves growing plants so now he has his very own 'garden' with new strawberry and tomato plants ... Happy Growing.