July 1 (yesterday) yipee! What seems like ages ago, I joined Karen's Christma In July Swap. We had a list of goodies to gather and post to our partner to arrive by July 1. Mine arrived last Wednesday and I was very good and didn't open it till yesterday morning.
First opening revealed two lovely gold wrapped parcels and a festive greeting card with quilling.

DD helped with the unwrapping to reveal these wonderful gifts.
The chocolate is almost gone and I'll be trying Carol's Pineapple Slice recipe very soon. A noodle roll made with beautiful rose fabric, to keep my work safe and Rudolph to hang on the Christmas Tree this December.

I look forward to making the 'Christmas Bon Bon' kit and the pin cushion and tape measure are already in use beside my sewing machine. I'm really taken with the red button christmas tree embroidery, it's so clever. Each was wrapped and tucked inside this pretty floral bag
including a special treat for my girls (cats).
This swap was lots of fun to take part in thanks to Karen's great organizing. I hope Carol enjoys her gifts as much as I did gathering them, pictures below.
Happy Sewing