Saturday, 31 August 2013

OPAM and a UFO

Just remembered it's the last day of the month today.  Not only that but it's also the last day of Winter, if you could call it's been more like spring for weeks now.

I finished this scarf last Sunday night but am only getting around to taking the regulation finished item photo. One more ball of wool that didn't make it to the 'lost' box.

Tick for OPAM August, yippee!  Thankyou to the lovely hosts Kris and Peg.

Last night while deciding on what to stitch next, this particular UFO popped into my head and was even easy to find so ....

Red Delicious - Part 7 has come out to play. This particular quilt was commenced in February 2009 as a free block of the month by Esther Aliu and I still really like it, just never seem to work on it much. You can find a progress pic on my UFO page. 

My Challenge:  There are 12 'scrolls' and last night I blanket stitched the first 1. So I'm setting myself the task of stitching at least one length of thread each day until this part is finished. Check back in at the end of September to see how far this tortoise has advanced. (1 thread doesn't go far)

Happy Spring Days   >^..^<

Sunday, 25 August 2013

August One Xmas Item

UPDATE to Elf Check ListMardi Meanderings has also added to her stash each month but was unable to post last month. Well Done!

Wow! A whirly wind just wizzed past and now it's all quiet again. A bit like my sewing really. Last weekend I was in a whirlwind of sewing and this week there's been very little to show.

Thanks to the movie 'Madagascar' on TV last night, I managed to put the last stitch in my letter "S" for my Christmas Swag.

Just one more letter to stitch and then the final 4 flags to be made up before joining them all together.

This past week would have been perfect for ice skating around to visit all the One Xmas Elves to see what you've been creating this month. Our temps dipped as low as 1 deg. C here and I heard that Bundaberg had their coldest August morning in 17 years. I took some photos on my drive to work.

Happy Sewing    >^..^<

Sunday, 18 August 2013

Sunday Seams Update

I know! It was a shock for me too, lol.  One last dash to finish off the next leg of the race quilt and then outside to battle with the breeze.

I'm hoping to use only strips from the 2 jelly rolls I started with, hence the coloured sash.

Spectating is so much more relaxing.


FNSI and Sunday Seams

Had a lovely time Friday night stitching along with everybody. The vine around my 'S' grew lots of holly leaves.


There's never enough time in a day anymore so even though I don't get to leave many comments, I always like to take a quick look around as many blogs to see what they've been creating.

Usually when it comes to my sewing I am the 'Tortoise'.  If at a class or workshop, I'm always the student that's bringing up the rear and taking home the most homework. As evident by my many few finishes this year, my projects can take a considerably l-o-n-g time in the making.
I do think I can count myself as the 'Hare' this week with my next photo. Those 16 blocks that have been appearing here and there can now be called a finished centre...and in only 1 week. Lots of seams to match up!

Now back to 'Tortoise' mode as I play with sashing and the border.

Hope you find some time to create this weekend.    >^..^<

Friday, 16 August 2013


It's been so long since I've been able to join in or just remembered which Friday night was which. I'm planning lots of back stitching tonight.

There's still time to sign up ... hurry over to Wendy's place and settle in for a fantastic evening.

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Last Two Finished

Monday evening I gave the last 2 blocks their final press.

Block  #15

Block  #16

Looking forward now to laying them all out and getting the centre joined. Then to start playing with leftovers for a second border after a 2" plain sash.

Sunday, 11 August 2013

Sunday Seams

Remember these?  They seem to be a long way between block finishes but I can tick another 2 off and now there's only 2 to go.

Block  #13

Block  #14

Happy Sewing  >^..^<

Friday, 9 August 2013

Check In Time

Won't be too many days and the 25th will be here once more. I really do need to make a start on this month's stitching ... how about you?

 As Chief Elf  I would like to extend a huge WELL DONE! to the following Elves who have been able to add to their Christmas stash each month this year. A great achievement as we all know how 'things' can get in the way of our plans.

Jeanette's Place
Enjoying Life
Gone Stitchin'
Quilty Bits from the Blue Room
Cheryl's Stitchings
Quite a number of you have only missed once which is also a super achievement! 
Charlotte's Webb
Hibiscus Stitches
Anita's Quilts an Handwoerken
Lou's News and Crafty Creations
Mardi Meanderings
Channelbank Creations
 If you've been like me and found a gap or three in your stash, not to worry. We still have 4 more opportunities to add to our gift or decorations boxes.
Thank you all so much for joining me on this journey to get ahead with our Christmas Sewing. At times it would be too easy to think "no, not this month" but then I work out how many days till sharing time on the 25th and get crackin'.
Please, please, if I have made a tally error, please let me know. I try to visit everyone but sometimes it's a rush.
Happy Christmas Sewing and see you on the 25th.     >^..^<

Sunday, 4 August 2013

Where To Begin?

A good nights sleep has been elusive this last week thanks to a persistent cough.  I'm sure you know the one ... the minute you lay down to sleep the tickle begins and won't let go until you cough and then you can't stop. Day time isn't much better either.

Add in hearing and then watching a car roar away from your home late at night and coming to the realization that it's your car and someone has just stolen it. Thanks to the swift response of Police we were lucky to have it found dumped at a service station in the next town but ours was only one of a string of goings on. It's very hard for the brain to comprehend what the eyes are seeing when it's thinking that's not possible. Gave up on sleep that night.

Thankfully with the bad there is good to make us smile. The next morning this beautiful little girl had arrived into our world.

Today is getting back to 'normal' with washing on the line and another load in the machine. Might put a loaf of bread in the maker shortly and there's a half knitted scarf waiting to be finished too...think this one is number 11 of the ruffle variety.

May you find some time to be creative this weekend.
