Friday, 31 January 2025

Chookshed Challenge and January Wrap

 Last day of January so let's wrap things up.

My Chookshed Challenge #6 I swapped with #10 and grabbed some small kits from a stash draw.  End result was 2 small cross stitches complete and 2 more repurposed ... I added the threads to my thread stash, needle to the needle stash and the 2 small squares of Aida can go in my sewing basket ready for grab and go project.

I'm loving the Temperature Tree Cross Stitch project and only have today's leaf to go for January ... then I'll move on to another branch ready for February.

For the last week of school holidays we entertained our daughter's 2 boys which meant they came to my patchwork day with me. I have squares of calico to put in a hoop, needles and threads and they create their own embroidery. We also walked down to the local shop to grab some chicken and chips for a picnic lunch in the park and luckily there is a great climbing tree close by as well. Perfect for 2 little monkeys to expel some energy ... 

Goodness ... is it really a new month tomorrow? Can't wait to see which number comes up for our challenge and also the 2nd block for the Murder Mystery Quilt.

Saturday, 18 January 2025

FNSI January Wrap

 Yesterday I got a bit of a head start on FNSI by completing the first block for MMQ. Then I moved onto cutting some more Quilt Candy from scraps ... I have several containers of candy ranging from 12.5"sq down to 1.5"sq and then 1.5" strips in various lengths.  Here are a few of the smaller containers.

Last night I finally got to sit down with my Temperature Tree and finished the January branch before adding 2 leaves.  Add in that I also hung out washing and a couple other little jobs that needed this morning I was able to add more leaves up to the 16th.

2nd week saw a few HOT days. I'm going to really enjoy this project!

One more week of school holidays here and I have 2 more grandsons coming for sleepovers so I'm off to the craftavan to make more candy while it's quiet.

Friday, 17 January 2025

FNSI and 2 Mysteries

I will be joining with Wendy and friends for some Friday Night sewing and decided to get a headstart with a little bit of prep and sewing today.

This year I've signed up for another Murder Mystery Quilt and am off to Machu Picchu... thanks to some morning sewing, block #1 is now complete.

Best place on a hot day is in my craftavan with the aircon so I've also been cutting scraps into 1.5" squares for my 2nd Mystery Quilt.  This one is a Scrappy Mystery using 2 colour ways so I've chosen blue and yellow. Instructions so far call for 9 patches and half square triangles.

Now and then I go through my scraps and cut them into varying sizes ready for that "one day" project. I heard the perfect term for these precuts ... Quilt Candy!

So now it's back to making more candy perhaps ... oh and I almost forgot ... tonight for FNSI I'll be working on my Temperature Tree.

Wednesday, 15 January 2025

Challenge #6 and More

 Working on my Challenge #6 ... I need to make an appointment with my Optometrist.  #6 swapped with #10 and I've finished two small cross stitches, the rose one being on 18 count Aida which really put my eyes to the test.

I decided that 2 Temperature Quilts were enough but I still liked the idea of a Temperature project ... then I saw a post on Susan's blog and ...

While my tree has grown a smidge more to the 1st branch ... I've had a houseful with our son and 2 grandsons to help with cattle work ... sewing etc is on hold.

A new year always brings new ideas and  temptations and I have 2 more projects kicking off. I'll share more on those later.

I'll leave you with a photo of our smallest ringer busy at work ... bed is calling.

Wednesday, 1 January 2025

New Year ... New Challenge


Have you heard the saying "What you do on New Year's Day ... you do all year"?  Well ... I sewed!

I added the last 3 days of December to Row 9 of 2024 Temperature Quilt. Monday I appliqued "2024" to the top left corner and yesterday joined the last couple of horizontal seams. Now the bottom right piece needs location name which I've decided to hand embroider.

Chookshed Challenge #6

My number 6 project is Card Making, however my number 10 is small embroidery kits which I thought I could incorporate into my cards. I have allowed myself to switch #6 and #10 so I'll be working on the embroideries instead and have chosen this little rose.

My last finish for 2024 was a Diamond Dot Art I began when I was resting up with a sprained ankle. It's been finished for a few weeks and was awaiting a frame. Initially I thought this would be my first and last but now that it's done I reckon I could do another.

Tonight I have begun the Temp Quilt embroidery while watching TV and listening to the rain on the roof.