Friday, 25 October 2019

An October Finish

I've been working somewhat slowly on these jolly fellows ... one each month ... and now ...

My complete set of cutlery pockets.  One fellow wanted to show off his cutlery skills  ... ready for Christmas Lunch.

Sunday, 20 October 2019

End of the Road Trip

Yes, this particular road trip has come to the end.  It's been lovely stitching on these sweet postcards of an evening and I am ever so glad that I kept joining blocks along the way. I was able to join the last 2 blocks that same evening but the light had gone to be able to take a photo. Then a couple of busy days and I've only just managed to take a photo of the completed top.

"Romancing the Road Trip" by Leanne's House
Image result for Romancing the road trip

Off to the wardrobe to hang out with the other flimsy tops ... one day to be quilted.

Wednesday, 16 October 2019

Road Trip Update

Hot off the press is the second October block, the first block was finished last week.

Now on to join these to their cousins...thankfully I've been joining blocks as I went so a finished top is only a few seams away.  I'm trying to get a few projects wrapped up by the end of October in between a crazy diary.