Tuesday, 22 January 2008

So Much To Do; So Little Time

Ain't it the truth. As the time speeds round to start of work again, I have so many things to get done and no drive to do much at all. The weather remains damp which is excellent but I need my dose of sunshine to regenerate.

Thanks to a visit from a good friend, I have started machine quilting on my rainbow quilt. She came down for the day and brought her sewing machine so we both got a lot of sewing done as well as plenty of chatting.

I've also been at the bookwork playing catch up and have a big day in town coming up where I plan to fit in some patchwork shopping in between appointments. Then it's back into the swing of things for another year.

Hopefully I'll get some more sewing done over the weekend as now that I've started quilting, I'm keen to try a few new things. Also while browsing a patchwork magazine today I read a tip on saving thread when sewing so I'll be giving that a try out. Better do some more bookwork too. It's hard to find a balance sometimes.

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