Sunday, 13 July 2008

Summer Quilt Arrival

Fantastic Friday strikes again. I made it to patchwork not only with DD joining us but my mum as well. It was great to catch up with the ladies again, and I made good progress with my embroidery, caught up on any news, had a couple of cuppas and then on to Bundaberg to pick up DS for the weekend.

When we arrived home around 6.30pm the mailman had left a parcel in the mailbox. Yippee!!

Raced home, unloaded the car (wasn't too much) and then opened the mail to find this bright and cheery little number .......

I'm still excited and I'm such a lucky duck. Autumn Moon included these other goodies with my quilt as well as a bundle of Moda fabric squares and a couple of postcards. I've already added a couple of projects from the mag to my wish list.

It's a privilege to be part of such a wonderful group of people and I look forward to the next swap and meeting new quilters.

DD has also had her first finish. She hand stitched the binding on her mug mat so that's one down and counting.

Last but not least Peg sent me this in an email. How cool. I have to admit I'm a little worried that the end of July is closing in and it's back to work next week. But today is another cold, overcast day so back to the sewing.Quilting Wishes


  1. Hi narelle, saw your name on Bluebirds blog so thought I'd pop in & say HI!! I guess we would be close enough to say we are neighbours as I am in Hervey Bay, your blog is Great & will be back again.
    happy stitching

  2. your little quilt is very cute. congrats to your DD it is fantastic to finish things
    hugs Beth
