Friday, 10 July 2009


It's a real test of patience when the parcel notice arrives in the mailbox and you're not going into town for another week!
But it was well worth the wait for Marina's parcel of goodies for the FRIENDS Swap. I was thrilled by her thoughtfulness.

F - Feline Fabric and two Fat Felines
R - Rose gift cards with envelopes and Red Lindt chocolates
I - Iris fabric and Iron on Transfers
E - Eggs (fabric ones) in an Embroidery hoop
N - Notebook
D - Doily and a Dilly Bag
S - Scarf
Plus some other choc and coffee goodies amongst the wonderful gifts, not all chocolates made it to the photo. Here's a close up photo of some of the beautiful gifts.

Below are the goodies I sent off to Marina, you can visit here to see more photos.

Many thankyous to Khris for organising this great swap. As always, I enjoyed the gathering as much as the receiving. Swaps are such a lovely way to meet new bloggers and make new friends.


  1. You are the best little Swapper ever!
    Hugs - Lurline♥

  2. lovely goodies........don't you hate lack of mail deliveries........

  3. Great swaps!
    you lucky girls!
    Julia ♥

  4. Lucky girls some great goodies.
    Hugs Mary.

  5. Wow, so much thought went into both lots of goodies!! I love the "Friends" idea for a swap.
    Joy :o)

  6. A very nice gift indeed, and how clever the way she tied the gifts to the letters in Friends.

  7. Lovely stuff there for you both girls....well done. Hugs Khris
