Sunday, 7 January 2018

FNWF Report

Thank you Cheryll for hosting once again in 2018 ... happy to report I was pleased with my efforts and enjoyed a lovely night in.  First off was some tracing to get me back on track with Ruth's Quilt ... stitcheries 10 to 15 for December and January.

November stitcheries 7, 8, 9 were finished off the night before.

While making a quick trip to my Brother's place yesterday, this friendly feathered friend stopped by to share my snack by the roadside. I was sitting in the car with the door open so it used the top of the door for a perch.

Home again and after some more gardening in the late evening, I put the finishes stitches in the January block for AHCC which I had started on Friday night.

With the temperatures rising this morning, this happy chapping was taking advantage of the solar panel for our landline radio telephone.

Now I'm off to see what else others were making on Friday night.


  1. Hi Narelle love your tag blocls and you AHCC block is looking great,hope you have had a lovely weekend my friend xx

  2. Love your stitching. Cheeky feathered friend. Always special to interact with wild creatures. HCC is looking so good. Loving seeing everyones progress on it x

  3. The AHCC block is very pretty. Love to see your birdie photos!

  4. great stitching.... getting quite a bit done at the moment and cute feathered visitors...

  5. Lovely progress Narelle! Funny birdie... ! xx

  6. Great blocks and always nice to have feathered friends visit.

  7. Birds are so interesting with the choice of where to perch!

  8. Oh wie schön du gestickt und genäht hast, das gefällt mir sehr.Ich freue mich immer, wenn ich Vögel sehe. In diesem Winter gibt es in unserem Garten mehr Vögel als im letzen Jahr 2016.
    Liebe Grüße
