Sunday, 31 May 2020

May I Please ...

May I please have a chance to catch my breath?  A full household and crazy at work and I'm exhausted by evening. It's taken me way too long to finish the binding on Flynn's quilt but last night was it.  Photo shoot this afternoon.

Older brother joined in with his quilt. Not much grass cover ... It's forgotten how to rain.

Block 4 of A Merry Christmas Garden should have been finished too but I've only managed the final prep.

Can I please tick off for OPAM, WOOFA and 1XMAS ... follow the links on sidebars to share the love of creating.


  1. Life gets hectic at times... but ANY progress is a good thing. Well done...xox

  2. Yes sometimes you just have to do life don't you. Love the pics of your little blokes on their quilts....Well done. Hope you get a chance for a breather soon xx

  3. The quilts are gorgeous ... and of course so are the boys.... deep breaths as you get through the days....

  4. Great models in the middle of each quilt as are the quilts.

  5. That's how I feel.... Just can we stop to catch up...... Goodluck
