Monday, 23 November 2009

Which Monday?

Each week is a blur at the moment ... hence my title ... I don't know where I'm up to.

Just to prove that I'm still here though, here's some mail that's been coming and going.

Oooo ... Royal Mail from the UK!

My Stitchers' Angel goodies from the lovely Celine. Isn't this just the cleverest? All tucked away and then ...

turns out to a lovely bag (sorry about the wrinkles, I'd had it tucked away for a little bit). Beautiful flowers!

Add a sweet flower pin cushion and embroidered book mark and I'm thrilled with my gifts.

Thankyou Celine, your parcel made my day!

This book cover was my third Stitchers' Angel gift to add to Noemia's parcel. All arrived safelty in Portugal.

Ornament Swap goodies to share next time.


  1. I know the feeling of weeks blurring into one another.... Glad you like my pressies. Thanks for posting the pictures!

  2. You girls leave me in awe!! I'm flat out getting anything finished and there you are sending beautiful things to each other! The pressies looked beautiful. Rainbow smiles :] Gloria

  3. Hi Narelle, What lovely things to recieve in the mail.

  4. Hi Narelle,

    What a great bag....I've not seen one like that before. Love the notebook cover you sent off too.

