Monday, 20 August 2018

FNSI Results

A short night of knitting thanks to bugs ... the achey, coughing ones! Then spent the weekend in bed most of the time but I managed a few more rows last night.

Visit here to see what others have to share from FNSI.

This is the wool I purchashed from a discount store. My current dishcloth is this microfibre ... so thick and absorbent ... love it!


  1. Hi Narelle what pretty yarn,i love this idea and have a couple myself ,they are great,hope you have a wonderful week my friend xx

  2. Hope you are feeling better soon Narelle.
    Was good to get a little knitting done,

  3. I hope you get to feeling better soon. Thank goodness you had a little something to work on that hopefully didn't take too much thought.

  4. The wool is pretty. Hope you feel better soon. Hugs,xx

  5. Good you rested well over the weekend... best thing to do.... the knitting is pretty...
